ACPA Growth Fund 2020
The Arts & College Preparatory Academy (ACPA) opened in 2002 with less than 50 students and 10 staff members. In the years since, ACPA has seen tremendous growth, not only in the size of the student body and staff, but in the number and quality of the programs and opportunities we are able to provide for our students. ACPA's vision to sustain a progressive teaching and learning culture that thrives on safety, acceptance and inclusion, rigorous academics, a commitment to the arts, and college preparedness has remained intact and only been reinforced and made stronger by the growth and development we have experienced.
The 2019-2020 school year has seen the addition of 7th and 8th grades to our high school program, ACPA’s first venture into new educational territory. Response to this phase of expansion has been overwhelmingly positive and we are already well into implementing an innovative Project-Based Learning model that is preparing our students for their futures and providing them with the content and skills that will foster life-long learning.
We always look forward to future growth and invite you to help us achieve continuous expansion of our programs and facilities through ACPA’s Growth Fund. With your support, ACPA can continue to strengthen and add programs that will further reinforce our mission and vision and prepare our students for a successful future.
The Growth Fund in 2020 focuses on three specific areas of growth:
1) Individual Student Needs - Some of our students are unable to afford hygiene products, a warm jacket, breakfast/lunch, and other basic needs. We ALWAYS provide these things for students whenever they are in need. Year End Giving designated toward Individual Student Needs will help us offset the annual cost of caring for these students.
2) Green Initiatives - ACPA currently uses styrofoam trays for serving breakfast and lunch. ACPA's Green Club is heading up an initiative to purchase reusable trays and a commercial dishwasher. Year End Giving designated toward the Reusable Tray Initiative will help The Green Club realize their goal and eliminate the use of styrofoam in the school.